1. The Core Values of House Church Ministry

House Church Ministry adheres to five core values:

2. Restoring the New Testament Church

The intention of House Church Ministry is to cultivate a biblical approach to church. This method is not a quick fix, but the process takes time to bear fruit. The focus is on reaching the lost and discipling them through life-style modelling for the purpose of those becoming fully committed followers of Jesus Christ.

We seek to recover the New Testament church through House Church Ministry and strive to do our best to make the church structure, activities (Acts 2:42), ministry methods (Acts 2:46-47) and leadership style (Matthew 20:26-27) as close to the New Testament as possible.

We make salvation of the lost our priority, not church growth. It is because we believe God desires everyone to be saved (1Timothy 2:4). We consider saving the lost and making them disciples of Christ the purpose of the church's existence. We believe it is for this reason Jesus established His church (Matthew 28:19-20).

We prefer the cultivation of spiritual strength over transfer of theoretical biblical knowledge, on-the-job training and field experience over classroom teaching, and modelling a Christ-like way of life over theoretical training as our discipleship method. We believe this is the way Jesus made his disciples (Mark 3:14-15).

We help pastors and lay members reclaim their proper ministries. Pastors focus on equipping God's people (Ephesians 4:11-12a), praying and proclaiming God's word (Acts 6:2-4), and exercising leadership (Acts 20:28). Lay members focus on ministering to other members and building up God's church (Ephesians 4:12b). We pursue after the original New Testament church model.

Our model of the New Testament church is based on Acts 2:42-47. The local church is made of up many house churches that meet individually once a week in different homes and gather for corporate worship on a weekly basis.